surroundings: the external circumstances, conditions, and objects that affect existence and development; the environment.
Does your home feel good?
Many people aren't aware how much our environments impact us and our well-being every day. Living and working in harmony with our personal spaces can greatly improve our lives.
Feng Shui is a science and an art; it is the process of directing the energy that is present in all space and objects. It considers spatial relationships and the overall balance and flow of an area, and in doing so creates positive results.
How does Feng Shui work?
The occupants of any dwelling naturally synchronize with their environment– whether positive, negative, or neutral. Proper Feng Shui shifts the energy and mood of the space to a more healthy and beneficial atmosphere.
Spaces in Balance reconfigures your home to energetically balance the space, while addressing any life concerns, and in turn influences the energy in a positive way. This can be accomplished through clearing clutter, making appropriate furniture placement, and addressing any safety issues. Choosing appropriate colors and finishes, incorporating natural elements and artwork into the space can reduce stress, enhance the mood and create favorable results for all.
Home Staging For Resale
How to maximize curb-appeal and sales potential?
Utilizing Feng Shui methods such as clearing clutter, balancing energy, applying proper furniture and accessory placement will enhance your space and make the space “ready” for the new occupant.
Is your yard a sanctuary or part of your “to do list”?
Through simple redesign, the placement of natural elements and proper energy flow, Spaces in Balance can turn your landscape into a peaceful and fun retreat.
Spaces in Balance is a consulting firm dedicated to helping individuals and businesses gain maximum benefits from their lives and their surroundings.